News and Action Alerts


President’s Letter, July 2024

It is hard to believe that it is already July and summer is in full swing. MACDL has been busy advocating for lawyers and clients in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. I am pleased to provide you all with several updates on our organization’s efforts to create an effective, accessible, and fun community for new and experienced criminal defense lawyers.

To those of you who helped kick off a strong first-half […]

By |July 10th, 2024|Categories: President's Messages|Comments Off on President’s Letter, July 2024

March 2024 Bench / Bar Meeting

On March 27, 2024, the MACDL executive board joined bar leaders from other bar associations at a Bench/Bar meeting. Chief Justices Budd and Brieger along with Court Administrator Tom Ambrosino and Dr. Natoschia Scrugg, the newly appointed Chief of Access, Diversity and Fairness for the trial court, gave updates on various topics involving the operations of the courts. Below are the handouts that we received. Here are a […]

By |April 4th, 2024|Categories: News, President's Messages|Comments Off on March 2024 Bench / Bar Meeting

MACDL Forms Clemency Committee

MACDL has formed a Clemency Committee in response to the Governor’s new clemency guidelines, which hold promise for more relief. The Committee screens applicants and refers the most promising candidates to pro bono lawyers.

From Lawyers Weekly

New committee aims to streamline use of recently released clemency guidelines

by Kris Olson | March 8, 2024 | 4 minute read

By |March 12th, 2024|Categories: News|Comments Off on MACDL Forms Clemency Committee

CPCS 2023 Awards Nominations Solicited

TO: Committee Members, CPCS Staff, Bar Advocate Program Administrators,
CAFL Resource Attorneys, Juvenile Bar Association, Mental Health Litigation Division Regional Coordinators, Massachusetts Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Massachusetts Bar Association, and Boston Bar Association

FROM: Anthony J. Benedetti, Chief Counsel

DATE: February 10, 2023


Nomination Process
The Committee will present the Awards […]

By |March 6th, 2023|Categories: News|Comments Off on CPCS 2023 Awards Nominations Solicited

MACDL Summer Internship Program

In 2021, the SJC released a report (see below) summarizing affinity bar town hall meetings, shedding light on the experiences of legal professionals from underrepresented, historically excluded and systemically oppressed populations. As stated in the report, “the burden of change cannot and should not fall on these attorneys and law students themselves, as it has for far too long.” Instead, “the burden of supporting and championing this work should […]

By |October 17th, 2022|Categories: News|Comments Off on MACDL Summer Internship Program

MACDL Mourns the Passing of Joe Balliro

By Victoria Kelleher, Past President, MACDL

Joe Balliro Sr., a giant of the defense bar, passed away peacefully on August 10, 2022. His impact on the defense community is difficult to overstate. He possessed both passion and unshakeable dignity. He remained true to the profession’s highest calling — he had the guts to challenge the abuse of authority, the intellect to choose his words carefully, and the wherewithal to bring […]

By |August 21st, 2022|Categories: News|Comments Off on MACDL Mourns the Passing of Joe Balliro
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